no spring!


my birthday

my favorite person
however, she's not here or at home.. and when the time i come home, she will not there anymore as usual she does. if only i can go and meet her there... it will be very perfect present for me.
but, dont worry... wherever u r, whatever u do, u will always be my greatest sister. and that's not because u r the only sister i have. hehe... hope 2 see u very soon.... congrats with ur result last sem. u r genius... heheh... btw, dont forget my 'ole2' ok!
c u c u... self service.

Gud bye Grandma...
after knowing she actually having a heart attack, the doctor try everything they can to stable the heart, but she is too far gone. they had been trying almost half an hour to bring her back, but failed. we (my family) have to let her go in peace.
for the first time, i din felt anything. most of them just flash back the recent memories with her. it was so sad coz the last time i'm with her was 5 days ago. so it still fresh and new.
i donno what to say anymore, just sedekah Al-Fatihah and prayers to her.
mom, dad, wawak, bibik, mamang, u did a good and great job for taking care of her. never tired and bored to find the way to get her better. however, maybe she is better off to leave us and rest until that day. just remember, although she is not here in this world anymore, but our prayers still can connect with her. we can use this to help her go through everything that she need to get through. insyaAllah..
wassalam... al-fatihah.

here, i would story about the holiday.. first, we went to genting highland. then, sky bridge at klcc, petrosains, sogo, mydin, a famosa resort, historical place in melaka city, zoo melaka, low yat, time square, nilai 3. thats it. its not much, but we manage to have some fun.
however, for me, most of it was babysitting the 3 years old cousin and 2 years old niece. tired.. these 2 little kids make me think whether i want to have a kid or not.. and yet, of course i want.. just not now.. i still have many things havent done yet.
while in a famosa resort, i experiences the most valuable things in my life. dont ever ever underestimates small things. think before u do and make sure u know ur limit.
and from this trip, i able to know and spend time together with my cousins which is good. because we never speak or have fun or hang out together. from this holiday also, i learn a few things about parents and teenagers. teenagers nowadays.. is totally different from old teenagers.
aha... someone is coming. continue later.

a letter from me
as we already know, u and i came from different world, different background and different everything. the thing that bought me to u is we came from the same place. that's it. and there r people asking ' how can u 2 be together?' i said donno... and now i know. u entered my world. u follow my way. and i let u. thats y we can b together. and i never think of it. thanks for that.
i never ever had an intention to treat u like a punching bag or mock the way u study. i am sorry. i taught u r loud, happy, hardcore person. instead, u r also sensitive, soft and caring inside. i forget that u may also a lady... everyone has their own way of study, me myself also do what u did. i am not clever or fast learner, i juz genius. hehehe.. kidding. i don have any idea that u were offended by me. i never think that i am the person that hurt u the most. (ouchhhh...) u never say a word that ur hurt....
i had no idea that i've been burden u with all my things. u need to cheer me up, motivated me, give advices, and i don remember the others. and i like it. i like all the attentions. but, things will not b the same, coz u had to lie to make sure i'm ok. and i cant live with that. its too long, u keep ur feeling too long. i taught, we friends, good friends. u can say anything u want. but why now? why don u juz scream at me when i'm hurting u? y u must lie and pretend... it does make me want to do more. coz i donno that i'm hurting u. and i don blame u for all this. i blame myself coz din realize all these things in the first place.
btw, am i hot tempered? yes, everyone knows that. but shooting people, i donno. but i cant say i din, coz i do. sometimes, i don even know i did it. in school, i am different than now, people change, i changed with the environment. i'm rebelling. i am sorry if u got shot. i taught u can handle all the shooting i'd thrown at u (intentionally or not). sometimes, u shot me 2. but i juz don care. except the last one, i care.
after that day, i'm afraid to be with u, i'm afraid if i'll hurt u again, its hurt to know when my love one hurts. i may have no value to u, but u r one of the most valuable thing for me. u taught me to say no, be confident, and many things that never come across in my mind. and not to forget, gossip ;). and i appreciate it. u try so hard to follow my way. and u r good. i never taught that i am so hard. u r different, coz u enter my world instead i entered others. thats y u cant stand me as i cant stand others.
i maybe a bit different, cause i'm still put my pieces together after u blew it with ur bazooka that day. and i want to thank you for everything u had given me and i am so sorry for everything that i've done. i cant say it in front of u, cause i'm suck at speech. and u know that. and i know there are hikmah for all what happen. i'm juz glad to know.
p/s: i'm still new with the gun, and sometimes, it feels gud to have a gun.

I choose you!!!
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside
Gotta catch 'em all--
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooooh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch 'em all--
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
Every challenge along the way
With courage I can face
I will battle everyday
To claim my rightful place
Come with me the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream
Gotta catch 'em all--
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooooh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Gotta catch 'em all--
Our hearts so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all!
Gotta catch 'em all!
omg... this series of cartoon make me feel younger and forget all my works for a little while. and it feels good. i feel good!!

fyp scariest part
living alone, is hard but it kinda awesome. its hard bcoz u only have ur lappy and phone. without them, i donno how my life gonna be. can't survive obviously. emm... now i really respect the old people, living without these gadgets.
i already submitted my chapter 1 -3 for fyp. and guess what, the scariest part come. i received a lot of comments and things that i've shouldn't do in the thesis. omg... its a lot, like u have to redo everything. i just speechless in the first place. but then, i try calm down and its not the end of the world.
after analyzing each comment one by one, i know where my mistakes are and now i have to work it out. i think after reading the comments, i become more focus on what am i doing for the fyp. although i still donno how to analys sumthing.
and, thanks to my sv of course. i can imagine if my sv is other lec, and i submit the thesis i that... wahhh... he/she wouldn't read and just send it back and say to redo..
i have class and i need to get ready now.

no title
i heard sumeone playing guitar... hurmm.. nice actually.i wonder who.
i want to meet my mum!!! bcoz she's here... bangi 2 b precise. but i cant. coz this weekend i have to attend 'finishing school'. watever.. maybe i can c her on friday. hope so. not hope so, do so.

and stop stressing me out. u give me headache all the time. just go away. i want to sleep now. n dont ever2 think 2 enter my dreamland. u r prohibited.
p/s: this post is not related to any human in this world..

idk wat 2 say

turn back life

pasang heater

i am home

we have to choose
btw, back to the basic. i have a lot of stories to tell. but i donno where to begin. i felt like i am not myself again. but its refreshing and feels good. i want to start something new. it feels like if u want to do something that u think u can't do, but u did it anyway.. its amazing.. that the think i wanna try.
for now on, i am trying to be want i want to be for last few years. the person that i want to be before i step to the matriculation. just let the time tells what will happen in the next 5 years.. is my dream come true? or become a different than i want to be.
other than that, after listening to the lecture this morning, some taught come out of my mind. what will happen to me after i graduated. can i find a good job? can i survive in the world without my parents.
its almost 5, and i think i should stop now, i may continue later, in my home.....~~~ heheee.. bye!

please dont make my life miserable, its already wretched right now!
can u just be stable for couple of hour,, so that i can do my things with smiley face and not as a hungry monster.
i need to finish up thousand of assignments and they are not that simple as the question is.
i want to go home.. its better there. nothing to do n watching tv is the best. huhhhh...

another day
i hope i can use all of my today's hours with something good.

take action b4 its 2 late
skrg, dh msk minggu ke-2 puasa. dh 11 ari. cptnya msa berlalu...
i don feel i am doing better for this month. i become more lazy and lazy. this is not what i want it to be. this month should make me become a better person, but i doesn't happen as i hope. there is no one that help me to do a bad thing. but i did it too. what happen when there is help, i may become a bad person...
my mum ask me to read quran, then i read it. why do i read it, because my mum asked or i really want to read it for myself? i even donno why. i can feel something going on in myself. and its not that good for me. my feeling and taught about my believe is decreasing day by day.. and i know its not a good and obviously tell me something.
i know that level of iman for human can go up and down. we are not like d angle where it never goes down. so, as human, we have to maintain it. and for me, i dont feel that i do it right.
i want to make it right. i want to be a better person at least for this month. this month is special and i want it to be special for me too. i want to feel the special of this month. if i can't feel it, it will be a very huge loss for me. and i don want that.
and now, i can only pray for my family, my friends, myself and all people around me to become a better person. and i hope we can take this opportunity to be a better person in our life.

mumbling at midnight
i am soooooo lazy right now. i've got assignment due next week and 3 tests need to be completed. i don have any motivation to do all the works. the scary lecturer does look scary, but only in the class. after the class, my anxious feeling gone. it felt relief and free... hahaha... sorry sir, u r to scary until i donno what i felt. but, i do respect u. u r d lecturer after all.
btw, today i went out. and i spend around 100+.. quite a number i think. but, its ok, bkn salu... hehe.. owh ya, i owe my fren around 2.40 or more for the game. i'll pay u later ok.
emm.. anyone knows about i-tune gift points? my brother asked me to buy it. but i din found it anywhere.. bcoz i donno what is it.... hahahaha... keep on searching, but donno what to search. funny.
today is very tired... i ate so much till i let it out back. errr..... lapa blit.
- next week : tests 1, assignments, laundry, fyp, my room, shopping, and so on...

after the presentation, something going on about fyp. then, we had a quick survey for the site.... :)
that nite was a little bit crazy...:D
and the most important thing i have a chance to meet my schoolmate.....:) hahaha... happy..
owh, before i forget, i have a new bag....~~ ngee.... bought by my queen. hahaha.. thanks babe!

mix up and whaatttt?
this post is nothing about august actually. i just make it up.
i donno what am i supposed to feel right now. its complicated. too much information and feelings i think. works and assignments or certain lectrr called it homework still haven been touched yet. its as usual, never ending and always starting new.
i don have the mo0d of writing the things that always stuck in my head. its been days already. i haven talk 2 sumone about it. and i don want to, bcoz it is only my stupid idiot bloody fool things.
there's a lot of good things happening around me actually. but, since something bad happen, all the good things become not that good although it was the best thing happen.
i hate this uspot.. and my lappy. they can't work together as a team... pls, let me finish updating the antivirus................. it can't be done if the line is always on and off like this.
for rite now, the solution and the best thing i ever done and never regret is sleep. so, g'nite peeps.
btw, u there. think what u have done to me. and what have i done 2 u.

change is good people
i went shopping. and this is not just an ordinary shopping, its different. and it is a good different. not the negative one.
i know that i am capable of doing something that i taught i never did. and gain that confidence, it just speechless.
first thing i think b4 doing this, 'what the hell is i'm doing rite now??' haaahah...
but, it turns out good, fun and i think i can do this again. maybe.
fyi, i know my real jean's size now, for sure...
i might do something b4 it is to late for me to work it out. later guys.

have u ever think what have they done 4 u?
have u ever think what have u did 4 them?
have u ever think why they care 4 u?
have u ever think why they still b with u?
have u ever think why do they treat u like that?
have u ever think how much they sacrifice 4 u?
have u ever think how they felt as u treated them?
have u ever think when will u needed them the most?
have u ever think who will always b with u?
have u ever think who would listen 2 u?
have u ever think of their feelings?
have u ever think what happen if they gone?
have u ever think of that, haven't u?
don't b too late and makes u regret all things that u haven't think about. think that.

influence people

mYvi bru??

i am happy but sorry.-_-

the numbless ending..
its been a long time since i have a joy of life. this was different.. i dont wanna go home yet.. i haven't settle with all my things here.. i am not done.
huhu..... if i have the 'dagger', i will used it to start all over again. i like it here...............................T_T
best wishes for all of u...

i am so stressful and they din pick up their phones..
please somebody............... where r u when i need u...
i donno who am i referring up there. juz somebody..
i hope i din sleep tonite. i have to finish my work.
its hard to get over it.

katharine Mcphee
And I’m over your games
I’m over you asking me
When you know I’m not okay
You call me at night
And I pick up the phone
And though you be tellin’ me
I know you’re not alone
Oh and that’s why your eyes
I’m over it
Your smile
I’m over it
I’m over it, I’m over it
I’m over
Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain’t no way to be
How I feel, read my lips
Because I’m so over
(I’m so over it)
Movin’ on and it’s my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I’m so over
I’m so over it
I’m over your hands
And I’m over your mouth
Trying to drag me down and fill me with self doubt
Oh and that’s why your world
I’m over it
So sure
I’m over it
I’m not your girl
I’m over it, I’m over it
I’m over
Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain’t no way to be
How I feel, read my lips
Because I’m so over
(I’m so over it)
Moving on and it’s my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I’m so over
So over it
I’m so over it
(Oh) Don’t call, Don’t come by
Ain’t no use don’t ask me why
You’ll never change
There’ll be no more crying in the rain
No, Oh oh
I’m over it
Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain’t no way to be
How I feel, Read my lips
‘Because I’m so over
(I’m so over it)
Movin’ on and it’s my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I’m so over
So over it
I’m so over it
I’m over it
Wanting you to be wanting me,
No that ain’t no way to be,
How I feel, read my lips
Because I’m so over
(I’m so over it)
Movin’ on and it’s my time
you never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I’m so over
So over it

i met a new fren, she is crazy.... hahha.. funny crazy, humble and its easy been around her. its been 3 weeks since we are together. and i like her. hehe... i am sorry about ur bf, but, juz hold on. men are like that. huhu.. cheer up.
i taught i will not have any sweeet memories while my practical.. guess i am wrong then. i do have sweet memories... a lot.. hehe.. they are all awesome. we juz need more time which i dont have much. i am gonna miss all of u guys.. especially u babe. :) and i know u will miss me 2.. hahaha..
hope i can see all of u again. miss u guys so much! n always.

father's day..!!! ngee....
thank you dd..
he is the greatest daddy in my world...!!! it is because he is the only daddy i have. hahahaha... he is amazing and awesome, although he has his own agenda how to tc all of us.
i have the cooolest daddy ever. he's funny, firm, really good on making jokes and create a nonsense stories. especially when we take our dinner together. plus, he is talented in many things. i adore him and hope i can trace all his talents.
fyi, he can be a chef, tailor, contractor, businessman, counselor, plumber, imam, housekeeper, boss, worker, just name it, he will be anything for us except doctor because he has something going own when it comes with blood. hehehe... but, the one thing he always be is a papa for us.
however, not to forget my mummy also.. although this is father's day, i have to mention about my mummy because when there is my father, my mummy will also there. heeee...:)) happy belated mother's day mummy... hehe.... luv u both. take care yourself while we all are not there to take care of you guys.
while i'm here, there are few people said that i am just like my father. hahahaha.. like father, like daughter.

btw, i found my frens here!! my oldies friends.. miss them so much. but, i kinda blurr with my primary school.. it been so long since i left them, however...this sunday, i have a chance to go and meet them again. can't wait. what is gonna be.. i wonder..
owh, btw.. i miss u too. talking with u is never ending. and fyi, once i hung up, movie the sisterhood and traveling pants stop downloading. huk3..... anwy, don forget to get your movies later.. :)
still struggling on final report for industrial training. but, i am sleepy now.. i ate ubat sesema just now.. and i feel dizzzy rite now... i think, i have to sleep now, if not, i will continued on writing nonsenses. gtg..
see, he is weird..

REPORT...!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................................... help2... somebody help me......
hurmm... u know what, i kinda like this training session because i can give my opinion and learn something that i don want to learn actually. but, sincerely i like working here, with these people although they r annoying and sarcastic.. hahaha... i think i like it here because i have friend with me here. the new trainee reported last week in our department. my senior actually at high school.
emmm... i only have 2 weeks more to go.. so, i have one week to finish the report before time's up. aarrrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! hate report.

i am chatting and texting with totally two different person with the same name.. and both of them ask the same question. hahaha... funny..
first time, i din realize they have the same name until i accidentally see his facebook profile. hahha..
one of them likes to make me laugh and the other one is always make me curious..

but, i'm glad u gave me those works. it does teaches me about all things in this area. however... Mr. H, i don really like u. the way u speak, act, think and all sort of things, i don really like it. u r sarcastic.
don ever judge me although u seem didn't do it.. i can tell.
i have three tasks that i need to submit tomorrow. all with different people and area. one is tagging the drawing, the other is estimate the roof replacement, and the other is design the slab. once i want the works, all things come together. i hate them all. huh. makes my life miserable.
oh.. ya. my lecturer will come to visit me here. 1st of july at noon. hee.... can't wait. but before that, i have to face the cruelest training coordinator ever. i hope everything will go well.
off to work...

okay, let me see... something happen today? emmm... yah! at work, i have some new friends. trainees form poly, good looking technicians, stalker contractors (scary, but it doesn't bugs) and not to forget some new books to read.
what else... haaa..... it almost 3 weeks i am here and for the first time, i went to the plant (process area) by bicycle..!!!! oohhh..... u can't imagine how happy i am to ride a bike into the site and watch closely the contractors doing their jobs. but, unfortunately, i had been banned to climb up the scaffolding to watch roof replacement just because i did not wear the damn body harness. huh! ZeTo rules... what a waste.
btw, funny things do happen when the technician tried to explain something about what's going on (at the site), i can barely hear him because i wore an ear plug. haha.... out of sudden, i become a lip's reader. and his face turn red cause he need to scream while explaining it. hik3..
okay, enough of works, after lunch, i din go for works because there aren't any. so, i went to ENG TIME OUT. 'time out', what do u aspect? seminar, talk. the first thing that come into my mind was games. but, after i asked some fellow there, he told me that its just the time to hear people talk. huh... i am devastated.
but, it was not for long.. which, after i knew at the end of the talks we'll have some refreshments.. i was patiently wait until the talk ends. so, can u guess what are the refreshment will be provided? i bet u can't. haaa....sory, because i din thought of it to.. later i tell u because this thing also contribute to my happiness today.
owh,, talk about food.. i ate a lot today. i mean a lottt.... lets take a look of what i ate today. breakfast
- nescafe with biscuits (before go to work)
- a bread and 3 different kuih (at work)
- a glass of grape syrup
- white rice with fish and vege.
- a glass of water
- pepsi
- white rice
- apple juice
- potato chips
- plain water
wah... i am full... tada... yup, after the talk, i got pizza hut as refreshment. so happy, because i've been dreaming about pizza lately and have a chance to eat it free... it feels so good.. i feel good.. nanananana.... i could that i would...
what else that makes me happy today.. oh, while in the time out things, i realize that my internship is a kind of GA. let me tell u something.
chief of surgery - manager of civil
attending (neuro, ortho, cardio, and others)- superintendent (site, plant, building and others)
resident - technician
intern - trainee
hahaha.. i know, u must thought that i am to obsess with the drama series, but, why do i care, it makes me happy tough..nothing else matter. hahah... but, the different is, my internship only takes about couple months, they almost three years.. hahah..
owrite... i think my post is quite long this time.. don care, no one will blame me. felt so good when happy.. okay folks, gtg, i have works to do. c ya.
**always moving forward, because u will know if u go for it**
**grab that flag and slide down**

need some rest
wow, quite a long time i din hit my blog. btw, i am back now. i donno what 2 say, its just so many stories i wanna write here. but, i donno where 2 start. ok, i start from the beginning. after my final exam, i came home. and the next day, i went here, for industrial training.
now, i will talk about LI. the first time went into that huge company, many things lies in my head. i taught there were any other students come at that day. however, unfortunately, there were only two people reported for duty for that day, utm's student and me. thank God there was somebody.
emm.. for the first day, we went to company briefing. omg, that company was huge. so many things need to be considered before we can started our work. we have to go to induction, wearing PPE all the time, my safety boot was heavy and big. the smallest was finished already. i have to wear size 5 instead of 3. watever, its just for 10 weeks. i told myself.
i don want to talk about people here, bcoz it was to many attitude. bad and good. so, nothing to tell.
now, its entering the third weeks i'm here. and it was fun. yep, i admit that the first week was not so good.. its getting better for 2nd week and now, i am enjoying the environment here although i had some difficulties in communicate with the staff, bcoz they were very busy. i've been neglected and i'm getting used to it. but, amazingly, i managed to get some attention and did some incredible jobs. haha.. but, its quite scary bcoz it is the first time u did it and anything might be happen if u miss calculated the thing.
i have some works to do. i continued later.

time is gold

wanna go home.
i am happy when i am by her side. she makes me feel wonderful. emm... when i'm sick, she always refill my bottle with water. not to mention, she even cook everyhting for me. haha.. she's d best.
i am so eager to come home now. can't wait to see my little cute sista. haha... wait 4 me. i'll be around soon......

so sick.
i don want to be sick, sick is sick! it makes me tired and exhausted every time. although if i get a minor headache, i'll be whining and whine all the time to myself. this thing that made me tired and i sick of it.
just mind ur own business for this few days.. i really don have any mo0d to treat u as u want it to be. please go away. i'm saying please here.. thank you.

this feeling is so hard for me..i mean hard when i have a lot of work to do, a lot of assignment, and a lot of things that i need to think. all of my works is stop and would not move a single space because of this feeling.
i don't hate this feeling, hence i like it. it made me strong and thankful for what i have in life. btw, after i experienced this feeling, i will feel the happiness. it just like karma for me. duhh... lame rite, but it was a relief.
the things that made me sad recently:
- internship
- tests
- assignments
- friends
- touch rugby
- family
- money
- and the biggest problem that contributes in my sadness is myself. i think.
i donno weather i have problem with myself or not. but as i concern everything, all this problem do comes from myself. internship, i don think i wanna go there. assignment, i din do it because i am lazy to do it. test, i flunk my test because i don have enough preparation for it. friends, i over think of them. i rather think about friends than myself???. touch rugby, i don want to go for traning, makes me feel guilty. family, i din call my mum as usual. money, my money always gone. i donno what did i do to my money.
how am i gonna deal with this feeling? i am not so tough. i might look tough, duhh.. but, i still cannot handle this feeling. i always cry alone in my room to let this feeling out. after that, i'll be as good as new. hope so..
i don have anyone that always with me here, i even don have roomate. i am all alone.. then, because of this loneliness, i think to much about people around me. i try to blame my friends and seek for people mistakes or else i am in the silent mode while my heart punching from the inside to go out. why am i doing this? i hate to do this, it hurts.. but, i.. i can't help myself.
i am not a lady like kind of girl, but i am not strong when it involve feeling, i will be beaten easily by those feeling. i'd failed to fight. i don't know what to do..

what to do? just let it go...
hemmm... i'm bored.
last night, i cried. and its awful. i can't remember when it stop. last 2 night, i don wanna cry. but, tonite, i cried again. but, i hold it. headache u know, crying.
it happen with no reason. cop, hold on. maybe i donno what the reason is. how come u r crying, with the headache and all that, all for nothing? useless... s, i think, there must be sumthing, and i still trying to figure it out. entah la.. aneh2..
it is almost 3.30 am. and i still awake. and typing this post. and not writing my assignment.
i have a story, this is about my construction lecturer. he is a !@#$%!!!! i donno how to pronounce it. don ask. but, he is a crap, total a-hole. want to know why?? here, i tell u why.
on his first class, i am hoping to learn sumthing interesting. construction. its my field!!! my course is all about. not all of course, but, it is the thing that people can see for civil engineering.
but, i do not get anything. zero, nothing. i even can't recognize he was my lecturer for the first time he came in the class. he din introduce himself. just stand in front of us, walk here and there, hand in the pocket, and his voice was very2 low... i've been sitting on the third row, and i hardly try to hear the word he saying. just sumthing like.. emm.. bla..bla...bla... all of sudden, class dismiss. 20 minutes, the class finished. done, what a 'good' lecturer he is. but, for the first class, i din care much. maybe he was in hurry or have some problems.
then, the second class, he come in, took the attendance, and told us to form a group. then, class done. 20 minutes sharp. what is this??? it is a class or not. i am really frustrated with him.
in the mean while, i heard rumors about this lecturer. it happen to our senior. quantity surveyor class. he only came twice for his classes until the end of the semester. the head of department can't do anything except ask them to drop the subject. they can't take the final exam because the lecturer din turn up for the class. pity them..
because of that, me fren and i, wrote a letter to complain about him. but, the department said, wait until the second week. we see what happen. we can't do anything. just wait for the next class..
then, for the third class, he din came to the class. wtf!! waste my time. i am very angry that day. really... very very... in the bad mood. then, i told my fren, i don want to go to the class until their change the lecturer.
for the forth day, i din come. i went for sherlock holmes. at least i don have to see his face.
after that, on the third week, i went for the class. but late about 10 minutes. and guess what?? he was not there. we waited until 10.30.. and then he came with the innocence face. hate it. then, he stated to talk. then, i took a pen, and a paper, i wrote everything that he said. u can read itself. what did he said in the class.
there are some intro he made about form a group, i din write it. '....... i will give u the topics that you have to choose. pick one or more. earthwork, piling machinary,
temporary works, bridges, high rise, tunneling or similar, oh yes, steel structure.
pick one or more, and from tomorrow, you will giving me list of questions. (student ask:
questions?). yes! you gonna supply me and give the questions. the more the better. oh, the more
the better. bla...bla... i'll be sitting in my room tomorrow waiting for your topics and i'll see you
tomorrow in my room. the more the better. i'll see you tomorrow in my room. ok, thank you.'
and then he leave the class. without telling anything about the questions of whatever. i donno what gonna happen tomorrow.. this time, i was really really angry that day. only my fren knew how angry i am.
the next day, my fren bought me a good anda bad news, the good news was, the lecturer had been change to another lecturer. she was much better. really different with that guy. much2.. better. like it. but, the bad news was, we had to replace all the classes we missed. wtf that lecturer. makes my life miserable. because of he, we have to attend extra 6 hours. and our class had been replaced to thursday night until the rest of the semester. thank you so much!!! F u!! damn...
however, i am happy because there is no more innocence face, don care, makes me sick all the time when thinking about construction. my frens and i were thinking, why he still became a lecturer here?. some told that, he maybe got sumthing mental. but, i donno the truth. someone said he got sickness or health problem.
soooo..... why did he still become a lecturer on our department?????. as my fren said, 'our batch had been cursed...' it happen every sem u know... there must be sumthing wrong with our lecturer.... poor my batch.
emm.. fyi, the damn lecturer have title u know, assoc. prof, Dr. la.. but, what kind of doc he is...
huh! because of he, i don have any class on tuesday. but, what to do? on tuesday? nothing... my fren got class. i am still alone in the room....
emm... i am hungry, lookin 4 fo0d..
bye, see ya!

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