my Cuti...!!!!!!!!
Ola readers.. soo00o sorry… I din hav much time to update my blog recently.
Urmm… as I remember the last post I promised 2 share about my vacation rite?
So, this is my vacation’s story…
A famosa wetland, Melaka
This was the best vacation ever in my life. 4 this time la.. hak3… because… it is 2 days after my final..!!! how amazing..its feel soo good and refreshing.. wah3..
our hotel
There, we experience new slides such as Family Raft, Jet Slide, Wave and one more, I forgot oredi what it’s name. the best experience was when we took FAMILY RAFT, it was So00 c0ol..!!!! ol of us were screaming and my brother said this while he screaming “ aku x mok nait benda tok agik..!!! gila eyh.. dah tobat..!!” I juz laugh when heard he said that.
But, not even 10 minutes after he land in the water, he said he want it more.. haha….Then, he ride it 4 the second time wif me, my mama n papa. It was wonderful, mind blowing and so family… u know wat I mean.. haha… u must try it wif ur family or frens. No regrets.
with the tidal wave
the jet slide, and my brother in it!

the yellow thing behind us the family raft
Genting theme park
After tired at Melaka, 2 o 3 days later, we went to Genting. But 4 this time, my brother didn’t managed 2 b wif us bcoz he had final paper. Of course it not same when he;s not around. But, we also had good time 2gather at there. But we were a little bit unlucky when we didn’t hav the chance 2 ride the cable car. Bcoz of sumting2… I don want to write it here… it juz sound silly 4 me.
By the way, forget about it, back to genting, my family and I had a great time in the snow world plus pizza hut. Waaahhh… wat a splendid combo. Next, we walk in the breezy cold wind outside the building. We took some pic and had sum valuable time wif each other….
me n nani la.. walking outside.
eating pizza.. nyum2..
in front of the genting park
so cold...!!
Back 2 kuching
Finish at overseas; we went back 2 kuching on 12 nov o8. Of course I’m happy went back home but there r sad things happen. First is I din took the same flight wif my family. Huhu… nothing much, about 3 hour late. But still…it is not same. huhu. Second, I had asthma after 2 days at home. It’s been a while when my last asthma. I dunno why it comes. But it happen 2 me. Changing surrounding I think. Huhu…its sucks. Hate it.
napping 4 oxygen
Matang family park, kuching
We forget about the sickness, huk3… back 2 the basic, our vacation din stop at genting, however after I recover, we continued at matang Family Park. This is not our first choice actually, but never mind, we had a great time. At this time, my brother join us back and this will change the situation. Wat I mean is more chaos. In other word the more the merrier.
Hee… owh, sory, about the matang family park, nothing I wanna say here, we juz get wet and cold. Huhu… but there are sum event that full of joy and memorable. For instance, ol of us except my mama turn into `fisherman’. Hee… but the most successful was my sis, bcoz she can caught many fish in the short time. Second is my papa, he caught the most beautiful fish. Not 2 forget, the lozer r me n my brother. Hak3.. failed 2 catch even a single fish! Huu.. wat the shame. Here are sum pics.
my brother
the successful 'fishermen'
its me.. eating mamee..
Ranchan pool
The following place 4 us to spend sum time together is at Ranchan pool. At this time, 2 of my cousin also come wif us. It was so.. so… happy. I couldn’t say anything. The water was so cold. I’m freezing out there. As usual, we try to catch a fish, but this time, my papa is the king. And my brother is the queen. Abg can caught udang besar… then, we let it free.. We r not that cruel. Huu…
Program at Unimas
After spend a lot of precious time wif family, this time is 4 frens and community. I join as volunteer 2 b a facilitator 4 prgm `Jom Masuk U’. from this program, I learnt many things including about myself, frens, seniors, juniors,and the most important is how 2 become flexible. It is not easy 2 b flexible. although it sound simple, `flexible’ juz follow the wind o sumtin u think it is, it’s not like u think.
Faci need 2 find ways o b creative to cover up and act in front of the candidates if we make mistake. N it is not easy as u think.. for example, what do u wanna tell 2 the juniors if ol of u not even one faci were at surau 4 subuh prayer. And b4 dat u r the 1 who told them 2 go there early and in the end, u didn’t show up. U cannot answer u woke up late n u pray in the room or sumthin else. (although it’s right). Huhu… can u guess the best cover up? It’s hard. N usually, we run of time 2 think the answer. At last, kantoi.
Huk3… being faci is good 4 everyone where it helps 2 build the soft skill. But, it needs 2 b trains. As my grandma said, “Practice makes perfect”.
my group..
Dinner at harbour view hotel
Huah3…. 22 dec o8, ofis mama polah dinner kat harbour view hotel. Best..!!!! bkn tyme dinner, tp, time persiapan nak pg dinner ya bes. Hak3.. suma soping bju bru. Lucu.. mknn nya pun not bad, nyaman.. except ikan ya, kurg ckit… dinner ya kjp jak. Around 10 dh abis, sbb esk nya ari keja. Huhu…
our dinner table
while waiting 2 eat
my abang..!!
me n nani
my mama n papa.
My besday
24 12 08, my birthday…. Huhu… there r few wishes 4 me this time, n I think bcoz I change the hp number (positive thinking).huhu… But, no fence, I’ve got my present. Electronic Sudoku.. luv it so much!
my sudoku..!!!!
Back 2 UPM
Uwaaaa… time back 2 school…!!!!!!!!!!! Damn.. but, I will try 2 make it happiest study time at uni.
Until here, I will continue at next post. C ya.