my 3rd sem...
Here, I juz want 2 share sumthing that happen in my life last semester…
It was very tough sem, really.. I mean it. No doubt.
First, my subject for that sem was truly disaster..!!!!!!! I have 3 lab, 1 final project, 1 trip, 3 killer paper, and sewaktu dengan nya.. I know, it was not that heavy, but if it plus wif whatever thing that not necessary, it become not only tough, it was CRUEL…!!!!!!!!!!! As my lect said, die standing… u know..
For last sem, I am also a manager of eleventh’s netball team and surprised, it was a new experience for me. Lucky me, I guess.. But, in the same time, I’m a hockey player, SU club, samthing ajk 4 college actvties, silat, not 2 forget, a lot of assgmnts, and many more.. can’t remember.. wah3..
This is my netball team.. good job..
Because of this and plus wif I am too nice to others (padan muka), there sumone takes advantages on me.. and finally, it made me become silly, unwise and emo.. in other word, unstable.. huhu…
On 23 august, I think, I became lost, mad and screaming like crazy.. dunno why.. luckily, after several minutes, my frens r able to calm me down. I was so tired and slept there (blit kwn).. thanks gurls.. dunno wat happen if im alone..
After ol this thing were finishd, I was really relief and able 2 feel the breeze again..=) however, it was not 2 long, the reports and assgmnts r ol waiting 2 b done, add with the bridge project… huhu… but, the best part is there r sum ‘funny’ things happen while completing the project. I juz luv it.. hik3…
Then… raya…!!!!!!!!!!!! This tyme raya is not bad.. but not good either.. its juz nice.. ive got many angpau.. u know.. but finish oredi..wah3.. sooo.. happy….
After raya, back at college, we continued built the bridge, and have class as usual.. then, there sumthing bad happen again… it was horrible… its about our bridge. It exceed the max weight and we have 2 REBUILT it, the horror is, we have 2 submit it 2morow wif full report and presentation. However, it’s not end there, the most terrible thing is our design has been ‘’REJECTED’ by the software we used 2 analyze our bridge.. Can u imagine how do I felt that nite??? Me myself can’t imagine… Then, sumone said that I have 2 finishes the report and let he deals wif the design … i juz said ‘ok’. I couldn’t sleep dat nite until it finishd and I overslept the next day..
The rejected design.. too many trusses..
Next, I thought ol the probs r oredi done.. but surprisingly, it become more serious… waa….. I juz couldn’t tell o write how do I felt that time. Our lect push us to submit the bridge wif the other things before 10 am and dat time is 9.20 am… nothing was done completely, bridge, report, presttn. So, there was no time to lose, I run back to college and do the presnttn, the other member settle down about the bridge and report… we managed to complete the report and the bridge at only12 pm. I thought lect din’t want to accept it, but I was wrong, he acceptd our work. There is nothing to say, its juz a wonderful feeling…
Final design.. in sumone’s car.. huhu..
Bridge was done successfully, then, there r sumthing come across… the trip 4 geology at Pahang. It was amazing because many things were happen. Sum good, sum bad, sum funny, sum annoying, sum boring, sum happy, sum neutral, sum whatever and then equal tired. Haha… but, it was impressive, knowing about stones and rocks, take sum examples, enjoy the view, it was remarkable. New experiences for everybody. However, as usual, the report will cause ol of us nightmare and migraine.. hak3… so many dramas and conflicts were happen that week. It was soooo stressful… from here, I’ve learnt about sumone behaviors, attitude, and aptitude. It was fun. I guess.. hee…

Gambar batu time trip..
After ol the reports and assgnmnts were done, it was final exam and presentations for the project. Day after day, it went through smoothly… no one ever aspect sumthing will happen again. But again, it happen 2 me. Aarrrghhhh….!!!!!!!!!!! Why me…. Huk3…
On 18 10 08, what an interesting date.. its started as usual wif cold and peace morning… like nothing will happen. And then, at noon, its ol begun…. Huhu.. I donno how it start, but it juz start and continued. I think it was me that started it, because, if I din go there, it wouldn’t happen, maybe. But, it juz happen. It is about my fren and I, closed fren, I think. Conflict, misunderstanding, cold, awkwardness, quiet continued until a week kot.. din remember clearly…=(
Later then, ol things went through as usual… plus I have scandal that sem.. hik3…funny.. it juz 4 fun.. hee… as entertainment. After that, nothing went wrong seriously. Final exam as normal as others, its tough dow! Huh! I hope I can ‘save’ my pointer. No more turun2… aminn..
Time exam konon.. wah3..
After exam, nothing else, holiday…!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive spend my holiday wif my family.. it was very2 extraordinary vacation.. truly amazing. I hope I can go there wif ol my frens. It will be ‘incredible hulk’. Hak3… hope so.. juz wait guys.. hee… 15 more years.. wah3…
I think I want 2 stop here. I’ll story about my vacation in next post. If I rajin la.. tq
Time oliday at Melaka…
Time is precious, enjoy it!